Basic Features of a Good Restaurant website
by Michael Phillip · November 27, 2016 Website Design Idea

Basic Features of Restaurant website
A good restaurant possess some good qualities that make it unique to a customer. So it is a matter of the restaurant owners how to make it popular among the customers. To become a renowned restaurant it must not have to bring variety of tasty foods but also having a huge amount of popularity. To gain much popularity it is a must to have a well designed website.
A restaurant must have following features that make it unique among the customers.
Accessing with Mobile:
The restaurant must be designed for mobile user. Any customer may want to have a fine dinner while on his working place. A restaurant must have a designed website for this type of customer
Online Menu:
Menu Is another Important thing that can attract customers. It is a wise decision to keep the menu in online view rather than not in PDF / downloadable format, It may cost the customers time or may take huge amount of time. Customer may b bored of it & may have a negative impact on that website, so having online food menu is another prerequisite for a well designed restaurant or cafe.
Food Quality:
The most useful attribute in the webpage is about the food quality. The ingredients that make the food must be fresh and hygienic. It should be formalin free. There should be no rotten food. The chef should be well trained with a high knowledge of food. The workers who work in the restaurants must be well dressed and handsome.
Visual is very an important feature for the restaurant website. . The restaurant website should have a photo gallery that is regularly updated with photos of the restaurant, food and events. Through these photos viewers can see all the menus, so good quality photography is a must important for the website. However, by It is obvious that the webpage should not show low-quality pictures of restaurant with no customers and empty seats. It should be showed how lively the restaurant is. Good photographs along with good caption can make people hungry as well as attractive to food.
Accurate Information:
Another important feature of a restaurant is Contact info & map .If people wants to come to restaurant he/she must have to find the address & so that they can dine the place. The restaurant authority must be .
Opening hours:
Timing is very important matter on this regard. The website must have opening & closing time so that people can visit the place in time. They must display clearly their opening hours. They must update regularly if there is any change in the opening and closing session. If the restaurant is closed any occasion it should be updated at least a week before.
Reviews are one of the most important topics to be added on the restaurant website. Having a 5-star rating system installed in the restaurant can be a great approach to make it more preferable to the customers.
Offering Foods Online:
Some great feature that makes any restaurant more attractively to everyone is offering food online. The restaurant must have system that user can choose foods online & can taste them sitting their own home. The restaurant must have home delivery system. Some employees should be elected by the authority for such operation.
Offering Discount:
With a view to attract the customers you should be a sector of discount food items. Like 50% discount on buying two or more platters. The customers will be attracted with this option and come to taste the foods with this discount.
Online reservations:
There should be a system of reserving or booking a table in the website. The restaurant authority should make sure users demand on this regard.
Social Media:
Now days the most powerful mean of communications is Social Media. Through social media users can express their feelings about the taste of any food regarding any restaurant. Restaurant must have the social media page such as: Facebook page, Twitter page, instagram page so that many customer can follow their offered food items and have the idea of variety of food. The more like the page have the more popular the restaurant is .
Content marketing:
There should be various types of content such as articles, photos, videos to create interest among visitors mind to visit the restaurant & taste the foods.
Good Business Management:
The authority of the restaurant should manage every sectors of restaurant. The restaurant authority must run the restaurant under well instruction. The finance sector should keep good records of daily cost & daily income.
Different from the others:
It should keep in the mind of restaurant authority is to make the restaurant something different from others. By the variation of food, by bringing the interior decoration inside the dine by which the restaurant can be made unique. It may stand out in a customer’s mind and create a attractive mood towards them. It is another way to make the restaurant having good impact over everyone. It may have an amazing view of the city that none of the competitors have.
This is another field that is a must have attribute in the website. It will help the customer to find the address as well as the phone number of the restaurant. If the address or the contact number is changed it should be updated in the website immediately.
About Us:
This is the section where there will be the identity of the restaurant. Customers expect to learn more about the restaurant by learning about the history of the business, as well as able to know about the authority and the key members of the restaurant .Those who are the founder can be mentioned too in the web page.
In an overview of the above discussion when a potential customer arrives on a restaurant website, he is expecting to find something interesting . With the help of these tips a restaurant website can be make easily to be popular to the customers mind as well as to make them interest to visit the restaurant soon & taste the foods immediately.