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Microsoft Azure: An Ultimate Cloud Computing Platform


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Microsoft Cloud Computing Platform for Corporate Business.

The companies who are leading the today’s world, Microsoft Corporation is one of them. It is one of the biggest tech giants in the world. Almost 70 percent people in the world are heard about the name of Microsoft.


The tech giant Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational company based on technology. The word Microsoft is a combined form of Microcomputer and Software. The company Microsoft Corporation, was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on 4th April 1975. The first device of the company was BASIC interpreters for Altair 8800.Altair BASIC was an interpreter for the BASIC programming language that ran on the MITS Altair 8800 and subsequent S-100 bus computers.From the beginning to present the company changed their product and service policies and productions based on user interactions and demands.


The headquarter of the company is situated in Redmond, Washington, United States. Microsoft develops different kinds of software solutions for business and home purposes. It also manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computers and many other consumer based electronics devices. Basically, the company is most famous for its operating system Windows.



What is Microsoft Azure?:

From the very beginning, the company develops and manufactures a lot number of products and machines. Microsoft Azure is one the best applications developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure. At present, it is one of best cloud platform application because of its features and services. By the help of Microsoft Azure a customer or user can be managing any kind of business applications and services through a network that runs on globally via Microsoft. This network is managed by the Microsoft Managed Data Centers.

Microsoft Azure
Besides above services, this cloud computing service also provides SaaS (Software as A Service), PaaS (Platform as A Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as A Service) and other supports from different kinds of programming languages, tools, and frameworks. This Azure platform also supports some Microsoft Specific as well as other third-party software and systems.


This cloud computing platform, Microsoft Azure firstly announced in October 2008. But the service was released on 1st February 2010. At that time the platform was known as Windows Azure. Later on, 25th March 2014, the company had renamed to Microsoft Azure.


Microsoft Azure Services:

It is listed by Microsoft that over 600 services served by Microsoft Azure. But there are some main services Azure can perform. These are discussing below.

Azure Services


For the general purpose for using Microsoft Windows and Linux virtual machines, Azure can allow users to give infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It provides a user to use the virtual machine in their preconfigured machine images. Which can allow installing popular software packages those are really necessary to them.


Azure also allows some other application based services, which called platform as a service (PaaS). So, a developer can easily get his/her environment that helps him/her to letting easily publish and manage websites from anywhere.


Web & Mobile Services:

Under this service, Microsoft Azure introduces to the developers a new vision. A new vision that can be thought by the developers more widely. In this new vision,developers can collect the mobile engagement behaviors and analytics reports from the users. It also allows some other amazing features like API management, notification, and reporting about their mobile and web based applications.


Data Storage Services:

By this service, Microsoft Azure provides many kinds of REST and SDK APIs for the developers for storing and accessing data through the cloud networking system. It is also a kind of Table Service program, where data is accessed by the partition key and primary key and other entities are stored in structured text partitioned collection system. But it is a non-relational database management system called NoSQL.


The most amazing service in this area is called Blob. This service allows any program to store an unstructured file management system. Where data is stored like text and binary formats. So, it can be easily accessible by the Blob service using an HTTP(S) path. The Blob service also provides some security mechanisms to control the data from unauthorized access from the outsiders.


Besides Blob service, there are more services from Azure to Data Storing system. Like Queue Service, which helps to program to communicate via message asynchronously. File Service allows storing data like other services but here it is the little bit different. In File Service system, it allows REST APIs and the SMB protocol system for making a linkage between cloud and users.


Data Management:

Microsoft Azure search provides text search and a subset of OData’s. So, it helps to developers to filter their data using REST or SDK APIs. Azure’s DocumentDB services can implement and modify the SQL select statement on the JSON file documents. DocumentDB is a NoSQL database service.


Besides this, to make implementation and modification that management by Redis Cache can be helpful by using Redis service. And SQL Database that was named before SQL Azure database also helps to the developers to create, scale and extend the applications platform via using Microsoft SQL Server technology. So, it can be easily integrating with other software or application using the Active Directory and Microsoft System Center and Hadoop.



Microsoft Azure the cloud computing platform is also allowing the service of Bus applications.  So, it can be easy to run the Azure platform both on azure premises or off azure premises devices to make communication with other Azure services. So, developers can build more scalable and reliable application based on service-oriented architecture (SOA)


  • Event Hubs
  • Queues
  • Topics
  • Relays


Media & Content Delivery Network (CDN):

These services can help to stream, encoding and media playback and indexing on user demands.


CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a global network system for audio, video, applications, images and other files format can be used from the different location on Earth with the help of cache static assets of websites. It also can find out the behavior of users who are geographically closer to users. So, this helps the nearest users to increase the performance. This CDN is also managed by a REST API and HTTP API.


In the 25th February 2016, Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform has built 38 points of presence location those are working globally. These points are known as Edge locations.



For the developers Azure services, different kinds of services that help the application developers to share codes, test application with log cats and other potential issues which they are tracked before. To allows above circumstances, Microsoft Azure do a support a huge range of application programming languages so the developers easily sharing their above information. Almost all popular languages are supported by Microsoft Azure including JavaScript, Python,.NET, and Node.js.


Using application insights and visual studio team services developers take benefit from Microsoft Azure platform.


Management & Security:

these products help cloud administrators manage their Azure deployment, schedule, and run jobs, and create automation. This product group also includes capabilities for identifying and responding to cloud security threats.


These services can help the cloud administrators to manage their Azure deployment to their products. Besides, it also helps to make a schedule and run jobs and create some kinds of automation. Automation is a process that provides a way that can automate the manual, long-running phase, error prone and the tasks those are frequently repeated. This automation is commonly performing in a cloud and others enterprise environment. So, it helps the users and developers to save times make the reliability of administrative tasks on regular basis.


So, the group of products can increase the capabilities to identify and response so quickly on cloud security threats.


Machine Learning:

Today’s world is running after the machine learning. So, Microsoft Azure also focuses on this sector. The service Cortana in windows 10 operating system is a part of Intelligence Suite based on Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML) service. This intelligence suite performs as the human being think. This also enables to predictive analytics and interaction with data science and natural languages.
Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing.png

Microsoft Azure Regions:

Currently, the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform is available in 30 different regions around the world. The company has already announced to increase more 4 addition regions soon enough.


Microsoft Azure Pricing:

Currently, Microsoft Azure services allow users to quickly deploy infrastructures that all need for a user business. It can be used on Windows and Linux based applications on the Azure declared regions. It is delivered to users with the enterprise grade SLAs system methods.

At present Microsoft Azure offer two types of cost effective system. The user can pay it like Pay Only What he/she Used or Per Minute Billing.



Now a day, Microsoft Azure service is a blessing thing. Because almost all kind of services that a user need is included on it. To know more about Microsoft Azure please visit www.azure.microsoft.com.

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